Jerry Buron - Successful Stillwater Techniques

Jerry with a nice rainbow



Successful Chironomid Techniques for Stillwater fly fishing

Price: FREE, RSVP required
Dates: TBD
Time: 130pm till 330 pm
Book Signing: 4pm @ The Avid Angler
Instructor: Jerry Buron – Author & Member of the Evergreen Fly Fishing Club
Register: Email or call the shop at 206-362-4030

We are excited to announce Jerry Buron to our fly tying & how-to series. Come learn how to successfully fish chironomids, an insect seldom used, but which comprises approximately 40% of a trout’s diet in stillwaters year-round.

Presentation will introduce you to chironomids as a food source, how to fish them, and when & where to use them. You’ll also learn techniques of how to fish them successfully.

We’ll explore fly fishing equipment used and how to set up your gear & water craft to be successful! Jerry will also share several of his favorite chironomids patterns with you.

Blood worms and penny for scale

This class will increase your understanding of how to effectively fish lakes, especially with chironomid techniques and flies.

Please email us for more information and we look forward to seeing you on this fun day!

Fish on!


Chironomid fly

Jerry's best selling book.